Eschenbach system varioPLUS+


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Customizable Options:

    system varioPLUS 

    • Magnification: 2.8x, 3x, 3.9x
    • Lens size: 100x50mm or 100x75mm
    • Details relating to magnification/dioptre value/recommended eye-lens distance are stated on all magnifier heads.
    • Bright, even illumination of the reading text provided by enclosed magnifier heads made from a light material.
    • To achieve a uniform reading distance, Eschenbach Optik recommends using the system varioPLUS in combination with a reading  stand.


    • Particularly suitable for reading over long periods of time and for users who cannot hold magnifiers freely (e.g. age-related shaking or Parkinson‘s disease).
    • Choice of 3 different colour temperatures via filters. 
    • Can easily be used if the user wears spectacles.


    Made in Germany!

    SKU 3503061K 350306K 3504061K
    Weight 0.610000 0.560000 0.600000
    Manufacturer Eschenbach Eschenbach Eschenbach
    Magnification 2.8x 3x 3.9x
    Lens Type Aspheric Aspheric Aspheric
    Lens Material PXM®-Material PXM®-Material PXM®-Material
    Lens diameter Ø 100x75mm 100x50mm 100x50mm
    Lens Shape rectangular rectangular rectangular
    Illumination LED LED LED