Belomo Triplet Magnifier - Achromatic+


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    Before buying a Triplet magnifier, make sure you can see the whole lens. Three lens components should be visible (pic 2).  Never buy a car without seeing the motor.

    This is what we regard as the Ferrari of Triplets in the industry and is highly recommended by The Loupe Store. Made in Belarus, you will find it hard to work with any other Triplet Loupe. Its touch and feel are addictive and its large Achromatic Triplet Lens is of a special, superior quality. Recommended by experts in many fields around the world, this is the professionals choice. In the UK, only available here through The Loupe Store.

    Its magnification power and focal distance are probably the best adapted technical values you can find in a magnifier...

    Belomo Loupe Technical Description 


    • 8x, 10x, 12x, 15x or 20x magnification
    • lens diameter: Ø5mm, Ø15mm, Ø20mm, Ø23mm
    • Achromatic Triplet Lens (coated) (Pic. 3)
    • See above for different Specifications (Spec)  
    • Coated in a matte black
      (which prevents reflections)
    • Overall dimensions 36 x 28 x 25 mm 
    • Light weight, approx. 30g
    • lanyard included in delivery for each loupe

    Various usage:
    hallmarks, minerals, geology, plants, botanics, stamps, coins, jewelry, diamonds, watches, tool-inspection...

    The Triplet lens-system combines the aplanatic features of a distortion free image with the color correction of an achromatic lens making this magnifier a highly important tool for viewing the true color of the examined object.

    Please take note that 20x magnification is not the only magnification you should own. The magnification is too strong for daily use.

    SKU 120802 121202 121002 121502 122002
    Weight 0.040000 0.040000 0.050000 0.040000 0.050000
    Manufacturer Belomo Belomo Belomo Belomo Belomo
    Magnification 8x 12x 10x 15x 20x
    Lens Type Biconvex Achromatic Achromatic Achromatic Biconvex
    Lens Material high-grade silica high-grade silica high-grade silica high-grade silica glass
    Lens diameter Ø 25mm 20mm 23mm 15mm 5mm